List of Widgets:

Widget NameDescription
Accordionthis widget will add an FAQs accordion to a page by referencing the "Accordion Tab" page type folder location
Alert Boxthis widget is to be added to show an alert. We may change this widget functionality and make it a setting in the settings app 2/2/23
Anchor LinksThis widget when placed on the page will create an anchor link that will display on the "Anchor Menu". The ID needs to alpha numeric and be unique
Anchor MenuThis widget will display an anchor menu and will display the "Anchor Links" of the page
Banner Image With CaptionThis is what is used on the Homepage and several pages throughout the site. 
Centered Header with TextThis is used for headers on pages with colour underlines and sub header text
Circular Image BannerThis is the widget used to add a half circle background image to page headers. It includes a title, description, image, and button link
CTA BannerThis is a widget that allows you to add a coloured banner with text, description, button/link
Homepage HeroThis is a widget that connects to the image slide page type. This is similar to the "Banner Image with Caption" widget except it turns into a slider when more page types are added.
Image Text CTA with Alternating Left / Right ImageThis is a 2 column text and image widget. Editable within widget properties
Insurance Products GridThis will connect to the "Insurance Product Card" page types
Insurance Products Inline GridThis will display a smaller version of the Insurance Product Cards
Key Stats DisplayThis will connect to the "Key Stats" page type 
Key Values DisplayThis will connect to the "Key Values" page type
News SliderThis will display "News" page types in a carousel slider
Rich TextThis is an HTML web editor used to add content: text, images, links
SpacerThis is a widget that allows you to add space between any widget 
Testimonial SliderThis widget connects to the "Testimonial" page types and displays them in a slider
Two Column 2 row - image / textThis widget is used throughout the site to add 2 columns and 2 rows of image and text, links to a page

Widget Name

Banner Image With Caption


Circular image banner

Banner Description

Image Text CTA with Alternating Left/Right

The image width is 625px. For best results match the image height to the height of the text in this box.

Additional options include the ability to include a button and link as well as a switcher that allows you to alternate the image and text columns. 

This is useful when you have multiple widgets on the page or are using this with the two column two row widget


Some copy here

Test 2

Some more copy here

Key Value

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam convallis, nunc at pharetra scelerisque, est tellus auctor nunc, a ornare dolor massa at dui. Vivamus in arcu turpis.

Key Value

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam convallis, nunc at pharetra scelerisque, est tellus auctor nunc, a ornare dolor massa at dui. Vivamus in arcu turpis.

Key Value

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam convallis, nunc at pharetra scelerisque, est tellus auctor nunc, a ornare dolor massa at dui. Vivamus in arcu turpis.

Key Value

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam convallis, nunc at pharetra scelerisque, est tellus auctor nunc, a ornare dolor massa at dui. Vivamus in arcu turpis.

Key Value

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam convallis, nunc at pharetra scelerisque, est tellus auctor nunc, a ornare dolor massa at dui. Vivamus in arcu turpis.

Key Value

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam convallis, nunc at pharetra scelerisque, est tellus auctor nunc, a ornare dolor massa at dui. Vivamus in arcu turpis.

Rich Text






body text


Two Column 2 Row - Image / Text

Enter some text for this section.

Second Section Title

Enter some text for this section.